Friday 19 April 2013

Bitcoin: Is it Safe?


     In it's first few months, Bitcoin's share climbed from $15 each to $179 each bringing the company valuation to 2 billion dollars. Bitcoin is one of the hottest investments there is right now, but some say it won't last. Something that climbs so quickly is prone to a crash. This being said, even if it does crash, Bitcoins popularity may live on through other services just as Napster lived on through a legal music downloading site by the same name. Bitcoin's shady nature is a turn away for many. It was created by a hacker or group of hackers in 2009 who mysteriously disappeared form the internet in 2010. Libertarians are in love with the currency as it is free of government control but given the nature of those behind the project, so much could go wrong. Bitcoin is extremely popular but I'd recommend holding off on investing in Bitcoin until it's seen more time on the market. Businesses with less than legitimate pasts often behave unexpectedly.

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